The boys listened long as hard as the visitors explained that all around the world, children ages 10-17 are taking part in the vote which gives recognition to special adults who have lived their lives defending children. The vote has been taking place every year and it is one important event where youth learn about their rights, children's circumstances in different parts of the world, as well as get to practice their right to participate. This year, one of the three candidates who was recognized for her "outstanding work for the rights of the child" is a Filipino woman named Cecilia Flores- Oebanda who has lived and worked to help women and children who have been trafficked as well as set up advocacy campaigns educating people about human trafficking. The other two candidates were from different parts of the world and had similar amazing stories.
After learning about the three candidates, the boys were given ballots and asked to vote for their favorite. Although only one candidate will win the prize, all three will be honored and given further support for their work.
Because the vote was only open to the boys ages 10-17, some of the younger boys and the 4th year high school boys were not eligible to vote yet they still helped out with the filling out of ballots and counting the votes.Each and everyone of the CMA boys' votes counted in the worldwide vote. After they voted by paper anomously, the paper votes were counted and submitted online to the worlwide vote.
It was an exciting day where all the boys felt involved and important as they got to choose for themselves who they wanted to win. They also learned about children from different parts of the world and many youth and adult leaders who have devoted their lives to helping children and vulnerable people who often do not know about their rights and have had their rights denied to them.